松本ケンセイのジャズ [松本ケンセイ/ZIP-0039]
販売価格: 3,000円(税別)
(税込: 3,300円)
重み: 190g
Kensei Matsumoto was house pianist at the legendary jazz club Stork in Yokohama - an exotic port town not far from Tokyo. In the 60s Stork thrived, attracting an audience of American army personnel from the nearby Atsugi base, crew and orchestra members from ocean liners docked at the port and young Japanese jazz fans. Live concerts often turned into late-night jam sessions. Although the original Stork burnt down in the 80s, jazz continued to be performed and Kensei has carried on playing to this day. This CD is the result of his efforts to pay homage to this jazz lounge by evoking the heyday of Stork and recreating its ambience and excitement through a tight collaboration with his fellow jazzmen who share the same cultural background. The disc is accompanied by a book of photographs of old and new jazzy Yokohama by the photographer Masahiro Machida that forms a visual complement to Kensei's jazz.
松本ケンセイ( Piano ) Jumbo小野 ( Bass ) サバオ渡辺 ( Drums )
高瀬龍一( Trumpet ) 三木俊雄( Tenor Sax ) 渡邊宏美( Flute & Alto Flute )

1. Kensei's Blues
作曲 : 松本ケンセイ
2. What Was
作曲 : Chick Corea
3. All The Things You Are
作曲 : Jerome Kern
4. I'll Wait For You
作曲 : Michel Legrand
5. Chanson Boheme
作曲 : Georges Bizet
6. Ringo Oiwake
作曲 : 米山正夫
7. The Shade Of The Cedar Tree
作曲 : Christian McBride
8. Artistry Jump
作曲 : Stanley Kenton
9. Rainy Days
作曲 : 草野啓二
10. Manhattan
作曲 : Richard Rodgers
11. Rhapsody In Blue
作曲 : George Gershwin
Recorded:Studio246 (2011.10.1)
【松本ケンセイ プロフィール】