刹那の慣習 [菊地秀夫/ZIP-0064]

刹那の慣習 [菊地秀夫/ZIP-0064]

販売価格: 3,000(税別)

(税込: 3,300)





The first album of clarinet player Hideo Kikuchi.
An album where you can listen to the forefront of contemporary music by clarinet.
Most of the pieces recorded in this CD were composed especially for this recording by highly talented composers.

Takeo Hoshiya: The Tradition of Kshana I (2017)
“Kshana” is a Sanskrit word, the smallest unity of time in Buddhism. Its duration, or shortness, can be described as “60 to 65 kshana in 1 click of fingers”. Here in this music, I tried to show “Kshana” as (imaginary) brief spaces that occur between phrases. ("The tradition of Kshana" excerpt from the booklet song commentary)

【 商品情報 】
タイトル:刹那の慣習(セツナノカンシュウ) / The tradition of Kshana
価格:¥3,300 (税込)

菊地秀夫 Hideo Kikuchi: clarinet and bass clarinet
佐藤紀雄 Norio Sato: guitar with e-bow (6)
大宅さおり Saori Oya: piano (2)
花田和加子 Wakako Hanada: viola (5)
録音: 2019年1月18日、21日 公園通りクラシックス
2019年8月18日、11月1日 Studio246

【 収録曲 】
1. Takeo Hoshiya: The Tradition of Kshana I(2017)
for solo clarinet
星谷丈生: 刹那の慣習I 
編成:菊地秀夫(cl) 05:15 

2. Motoharu Kawashima: KARAMUSHI’s Room(2018)
for clarinet and piano
川島素晴: からむしの部屋
編成:菊地秀夫(cl)、大宅さおり(pf) 12:48

3. Norio Nakagawa: Trickster Huehuecoyotl(2018)
for solo clarinet
中川統雄: トリックスター・ウェウェコヨトル
編成:菊地秀夫(cl) 08:32

4. Akiko Asai: The Entangled Stairways (2018)
for solo clarinet and pre-recorded clarinet
浅井暁子: 錯綜する階 〜ソロクラリネットと録音のための
編成:菊地秀夫(cl) 07:05

5. Xukun Zhang: Wild Grass in The Wind(2013)
for solo clarinet and viola
张 旭鲲: 古原の草
編成:菊地秀夫(cl)、花田和加子(vla) 08:54

6. Yukiko Watanabe: Trapeze's Waiting(2018)
for clarinet and steel guitar with e-bow
渡辺裕紀子: 空中ブランコの閑
〜 クラリネット、スティール弦アコースティックギターとE-Bowのための
編成:菊地秀夫(cl)、佐藤紀雄(gt with e-bow) 16:54

星谷丈生「刹那の慣習 I」、川島素晴「からむしの部屋」、渡辺裕紀子「空中ブランコの閑」
菊地秀夫 cl、川島素晴 pf、佐藤紀雄 gt with e-bow


【菊地秀夫(きくち ひでお)】

作曲家の星谷丈生氏と音楽企画・演奏団体「OFFICE でく」を設立し代表を務める。国立音楽大学及び尚美学園大学非常勤講師。

Hideo Kikuchi
clarinet and bass clarinet
Hideo Kikuchi studied the clarinet with Kazuko Ninomiya, chamber music with Yoshiaki Suzuki and Akira Miyoshi, and graduated from Toho Gakuen School of Music. He was the 2nd Prize winner in 1993 Tokyo Contemporary Music Competition “Kyogaku”, and was also awarded Stipendienpreis at Internationale Ferienkurse fur neue Musik in Darmstadt in 1996. He is one of the founding members of Ensemble NOMAD. From his student days, he was interested in new music, and have premiered many compositions written by composers of his own generation. Besides the contemporary music, he also collaborates with jazz musicians, dancers, traditional Japanese dancers, and is actively involved in collaborating with artists from other genres. Together with the composer Takeo Hoshiya, he founded “Office Deku”, producing concerts and other related projects. He is currently teaching at Kunitachi College of Music and Shobi University.

アンサンブル・ノマド( http://www.ensemble-nomad.com/ )